Hi, I'm Sarah Fennell-Cooper!
A child development specialist and expert in preschool coach training. And the self-appointed champion of your preschool gym program. I started Happy Gymnastics to help gym owners and directors create wildly profitable preschool programs.
Together, with my hubs, Chris, we get to parent three amazing girls and one giant dog, Oliver.
So why preschool gym programs? It’s simple. There’s nothing quite like the megawatt smile a preschooler breaks out every time they attend a class. The pure joy of preschool gymnastics has my heart.
Just a few photos of the amazing people I’ve met along the way
What I love the most is that most of the kiddos won’t make it to team gymnastics. And yet, preschool kids rock up to gym classes every week for the pure love of the sport. That and the love of the pit. Obviously.
Preschool gymnastics is more than just learning how to forward roll. That’s not why parents are enrolling their kids into programs. What’s more important is connecting with their coach, learning new skills, having fun, staying busy, and making friends.
A lot goes into creating a preschool gym program. And preschoolers get a lot out of it. But in my experience, the biggest issue I see is gym owners and directors underestimating the revenue powerhouse preschool programs could and should be.